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Kunshan Suyu Paper Products Co., Ltd.

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  1. release time:2019-09-12 clicks:18443

    纸箱厂家 :是应用最广泛的包装制品,按用料不同,有瓦楞纸箱、单层纸板箱等,有各种规格和型号。纸箱常用的有三层、五层,七层使用较少,各层分为里纸、瓦楞纸、芯纸、面纸,里、面纸有茶板纸、牛皮纸,芯纸用瓦楞纸,各种纸的颜色和手...

  2. release time:2019-08-15 clicks:17732

    纸业术语解释集锦如下所诉,下面跟随小编一起去了解下一下吧。   带:包括双面压敏胶0带、压敏胶带、级别高 双面胶粘带、封箱胶带、胶粘带、纸质不干胶带。   芯:包括纸芯、瓦楞芯纸、纸筒芯、螺旋式纸筒芯。   纸板:一般将厚度...

  3. release time:2019-07-03 clicks:4928

  4. release time:2019-05-17 clicks:4380

  5. Promote the concept of green publishing Accelerate the digital publishing industry chainrelease time:2017-11-24 clicks:17676

    Green publishing is aimed at the traditional extensive publishing, that is, the use of modern scientific and technological means, based on the sustainable development of cultural and ecological health and civilization,

  6. Digital printing has become the focus of development in the printing industryrelease time:2017-11-24 clicks:16374

    Digital printing has become the focus of the development of the printing industry, promulgated by the State Press and Publication Administration, February 1, 2011 implementation of the digital printing management approa